Better Technology For Better Schools

Better Technology for Better Schools


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AtlasIED is a technology company providing schools with solutions that improve daily communications, critical alerts, and assist in achieving successful student outcomes. We understand the challenges facing K-12 schools and districts and can provide the solutions to solve those problems. Whether your school needs a new PA or paging system, improved acoustics in large or loud classrooms, upgraded intercom, or a completely updated and compliant emergency communications network, AtlasIED offers the hardware, software, and expertise to help school administrators, technologists, and security leaders create better, safer schools.

How our Systems Work

Inside the classroom, within a whole building, or throughout an entire campus, AtlasIED communication technologies create an effective, safe, and secure environment. Daily communications systems such as Unified Communications / VoIP call platforms, intercom, public address, paging, digital signage, and even voice lift in the classroom become more capable, reliable, and effective with the ability to integrate with emergency and life safety systems used in schools such as fire alarm, security, gunshot detection, and access control.

Solutions For Educational Institutions

Enhance everyday operations such as bell schedules, morning announcements, and standard intercom calls

Typical daily communications such as morning and afternoon announcements, safety drills, bell schedules, VoIP paging, and All Calls can become more effective and efficient with features like live and pre-recorded messages, color-coded visual notifications, handsfree 2-way talkback, and more.

  • Accommodate various daily schedules with pre-recorded and live notifications
  • Offer ADA compliance with visual and audible communications
  • Deliver messages to a specific zone or an entire campus
  • Communicate hands free with two-way talkback intercom systems

Improve your emergency preparedness plans with automated communications and enhanced coverage

Integration with fire, security, access control, and other safety systems can ensure emergency preparedness plans are executed. Automation can trigger a variety of communications, providing calm and effective instructions during high stress situations such as lockdowns, fire alarms, severe weather, and medical emergencies.

  • Automate notifications to local authorities to reduce response times
  • Initiate lockdown protocols from anywhere with mobile panic buttons
  • Integrate with building systems such as fire alarms, access control, gun shot detection, and video surveillance
  • Send SMS text, audio messages, email, and push notifications to mobile devices
  • Leverage existing PA system and infrastructure for reliable critical alert deployment to all environments

Sound reinforcement systems improve the education experience for more successful student outcomes

Voice lift systems, or “amplified classrooms,” use traditional audio components such as a microphone, amplifier, and speakers to amplify a teacher’s voice. These systems offer higher intelligibility and improve overall coverage so students can hear the instructor regardless of where they are seated.

  • Increase retention and comprehension for more successful learning
  • Improves student engagement, attention, and behavior
  • Reduce teacher fatigue and absenteeism
  • Assist in ADA compliance for the hearing impaired

Solutions for all rooms, hallways, and outdoor areas that can be used for multiple purposes

Analog audio systems typically used for background music, live events, and public address in multi-purpose rooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums, cafetoriums, sports fields, and parking lots can be integrated with network based, VoIP, or digital audio systems as part of a unified communications ecosystem and can be leveraged during emergency and non-emergency situations.

  • Increase coverage of communications with a fully integrated system
  • Support school spirit and community pride by improving guest experiences
  • Ensure intelligibility in challenging acoustical environments
  • Create easy to operate systems that users feel comfortable with
  • Withstand harsh weather in both hot and cold climates

Download “8 Forward Thinking Ways to Turn a School PA System into an Effective Life Safety Communication Tool.”

Better Technology For Better Schools

Installation Case Studies

Genesee Valley School School Security Solutions

As the decades-old PA system at Genesee Valley School District’s K-12 building continued to struggle, technology director, Jeff LaBenne began looking for a replacement

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Forest Hills Public Schools School Security Solutions

SVT Technology Services and Solutions chose AtlasIED products for upgrading the sound systems across Forest Hills Public Schools District in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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Alexandria Senior High School Security Solutions

The audio system at Alexandria Senior High School’s 3,000-seat football stadium did not have the horsepower, coverage, or full range of frequencies to provide spectators with a quality experience.

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Christopher Columbus High School

Christopher Columbus High School prioritizes safety through technology implementation, relying upon AtlasIED and its IPX Series of IP Endpoints with InformaCast® Mass Notification Software from Singlewire®.

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North Syracuse Central School District

North Syracuse Central School District reevaluated their approach to campus safety, selecting AtlasIED’s IPX technology to modernize their intercom, audio announcements, and emergency communications systems.

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Better Technology For Better Schools
Better Technology For Better Schools
Better Technology For Better Schools

Contact Us!

Phone: (800) 876-3333


4545 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ, 85042